Hellboy is one fun movie.
I've been sorely dissappointed with most comic book to move flicks in the past (well, I consider Spiderman about as much of a comic as Superman: Supersaturated.) This is one fits the bill through and through. From consistent action, sillyness, over the top necessities of a larger than life film, and even a satisfying ending.
Did I mention I liked the affects? The strong biblical and mythological references seemed a bit much, and Tam felt a lot of the action was cliche, but I didn't care.
I really liked that they kept in comic book factors such as "My kittens! Someone save them! ... they're all I have!"
I wonder if these comics are published only in comic books or graphic novels. As the IMDB review said, I'd like to find out more of the backstory. I didn't care that the villain lady didn't get much air time. She was too obnoxious bad-ass for my tastes. I hope there's a sequel. Would it be good if it were done by Sam Raimi. This one is tight enough that it would be easy to screw up, but many of the hero characters seem solid, and another round of villains would be fun. If I were a betting man I'd guess that they would pull a Highlander. Sucky sequal, decent III. By the time a TV series comes out there will be a completely brand new medium which will be well suited for a series. Maybe Terri Gilliam could pull it off. Hellboy: The road trip. Hellboy: The `nam years.
Looking forward to what Abe has to say on this one. Think movie-nighters should escelate this one.