Ten Bizarre Films?
Blogcritics.org has a list of Ten Bizzare Movies.
I've seen Mulholland Dr., City of Lost Children, A Clockwork Orange, and Pi. Those all do pass the "not enjoyed at a family reunion" test. My favourites are City and Pi. No need ever to see Orange again, and would watch Mulholland with a fan.
I recently watched "Crumb" and would put in on the list, but it's most a documentary and the characters and publications of Crumb are .. I'm still searching for the adjective. Amusing on a superficual level, wholly unnecessary below.
I'm racking my brains for ones in my top ten. Pauly Shore is dead, a recent start and stop due to the fact that I wasn't expecting an HBO film but something with more...something. Sin City lingers at a #11 place because that kick-in-the-head (as in electroshock therapy?) is still sinking in. I wonder if The Dark Crystal was considered in this list..
Please post a new thread if you'd like to rant about any in the list in detail. :D
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