Sunday, May 15, 2005

House of Wax

So it appears that a lot of people hated this film from the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. I'd have to disagree. Not vehemently disagree, but still disagree that it was a piece of crap that so many labeled it as. First off, so many already panned this film because Paris Hilton is in it. I didn't go to see it for her, I was just dying for a new horror film to go see. So once people get over the whole "OMG, Paris is a slut" thing, we'll all be better off and not have to read reviews revolving around only caring how Paris gets killed.

Now, the movie is in no way shape or form an Oscar contender. Hell, I don't remember the last horror/slasher film I saw that I was truly artistically wowed by. I don't think they even exist. When I go to see a horror flick I only expect a few things, lots of blood, guts, screaming, I have to wince at least once (I have low wincing standards, but it's hard to come up with original death scenes these days.), and yat least one laugh out loud part would be nice. I don't expect the acting to be top notch, although I do expect some level of believable main characters. There were too many instances where one of the main characters (well after being established), would do something totally out of character. He's established as the "nice" boyfriend but then randomly would act like a total ass. It jolted his character and pissed me off more than anything else in this movie. But beyond that, there was a lot of good wincing and "awww, man..." type scenes that were nicely filled with blood and other disgusting bits. Actually one other thing that was disappointing; the movie took way too long to get moving. Too much set up started leading me to think there wasn't going to be enough time for any real carnage. But like I said, it had enough to make me happy.

So if you're not one who likes teen slasher movies then you'll straight up hate this movie. If you aren't really picky like I am when it comes to horror, then you'll have fun.

I give it 2.5 fingertips out of 5 fingertips clipped off with a wirecutter.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Ten Bizarre Films? has a list of Ten Bizzare Movies.

I've seen Mulholland Dr., City of Lost Children, A Clockwork Orange, and Pi. Those all do pass the "not enjoyed at a family reunion" test. My favourites are City and Pi. No need ever to see Orange again, and would watch Mulholland with a fan.

I recently watched "Crumb" and would put in on the list, but it's most a documentary and the characters and publications of Crumb are .. I'm still searching for the adjective. Amusing on a superficual level, wholly unnecessary below.

I'm racking my brains for ones in my top ten. Pauly Shore is dead, a recent start and stop due to the fact that I wasn't expecting an HBO film but something with more...something. Sin City lingers at a #11 place because that kick-in-the-head (as in electroshock therapy?) is still sinking in. I wonder if The Dark Crystal was considered in this list..

Please post a new thread if you'd like to rant about any in the list in detail. :D