Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Kill Bill Vol. 2

Ok, for those who really know me, they know that I love this movie more than anything else in the world. Ok, maybe not everything else, but I've loved this movie more than any other movie for the last few months and I don't think it'll be dropping in my charts anytime soon. This will be another short review only because you shouldn't be reading a review of a movie you should be watching right now because if you have so much free time to be reading crap like this...

If you like Tarantino dialogue, then this is the movie for you. Not since Pulp Fiction has somebody (imagine that, same writer/director) created a movie that you can watch talking heads and not be bored off your ass. Not to say that Vol. 2 has tons of talking heads, but when it does, it's never boring. What's great about this film? 1) dialogue. 2) Uma. 3) Ending. 4) Uma.
What's not great about this film. If you don't like Tarantino dialogue and only like the first volume because of the un-Tarantino like action, you will be very disappointed. Very.
For the rest of us, slap these two movies together just like the big 4 disc DVD set that will be coming out sometime this winter, and you'll be watching the very best of America cinema. Well, actually, the best of every kind of cinema.

In closing...Uma kicks ass, Tarantino dialogue kicks ass, I want a Hattori Hanzo sword (or Uma is she's free), and go watch this film. Actually go watch both volumes back to back like they should be watched.

And now wait patiently until Tarantino finally gets around to doing volume 3.

I give it an 8 out of 5 dwarf stars. If put together with the first volume, it gets 10 out of 5 dwarf stars.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm locked out of blogspot for some dumb reason so have to post anonymously.

Having just finished the film (for the first time) myself...

It's quite the movie. Glad Uma didn't have to kill Bill's brother.

Vol. 3? Please leave Darryl Hannah out of it. She was barely acceptable for Terentino's dialog. I think Terentino had all he could do from doing the Superman dialog himself.

Why do yoy Bill didn't ask Uma the million soap opera bubbles question "Do you love me?" while she was drugged?

The Carmen Ghia at the end means it'll cost me an extra $500 bucks to pick a nice one of those up if the opportunity arises later in life...damn. Would've been more realistic but not the same if she was ridin' through Mexico in a bright orange bus. O well. One can dream. Least they didn't screw up the engine noise, but for all I know, they could have overemphasized it.

August 10, 2004 at 9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez. I _really didn't_ mean to post that here. And as I can't log into blogger (only through friggin' "blog now" button) I can't chuck it. Arg.

Please, don't repeat it, I know. That is so far from worthy enough to sit next to a Kill Bill review.

August 11, 2004 at 6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


August 11, 2004 at 6:21 PM  
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November 13, 2006 at 6:06 AM  

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