Friday, June 11, 2004

Kill Bill volume 1

"It's the bloodiest most violent film in ages." That was a stupid excuse for me to put of seeing this movie for so long and miss the big-screen psyche gripping potpourri of 30 years of movie entertainment excellence Terantino can collage. The 70's attributes were just plain fun. Mixing anime and silly horror gags to tune the tone of a movie's "hot media" was well appreciated. I usually don't see a movie to experience a particular scenario, but I'm inquisitive and want to know the dry facts, especially character shaping ones. Great presentation. (Although the scalping should have been on an angle.)

Lucy Liu may be pretty and her features fit the character and all, but her presence is not compelling. Model actress go home. The table-top speech might as well have been followed up with a gag-inducing "You go girl!" Meanwhile average featured Uma radiates the sexyness that comes from a woman admired. One has no evidence whether she could be the fawning, adoring, head on your shoulder companion, but you feel it and attribute it blindly.

I'm looking forward to the next one.


Blogger Vaeric said...

"...average featured Uma..."

What!? average!? I'm not even going to start arguing on this point or I'll be up all night writing.

Like I keep telling everyone, Vol. 2 is waaay better than Vol.1 and that's quite an accomplishment in itself since Vol. 1 has been creeping up my favorite films list very quickly.

I'll start posting some reviews here soon, but I've just been too busy running around lately. I want to make sure that I just don't blurb anything without putting at least a little thought into it.

June 13, 2004 at 9:04 PM  
Blogger Doctor S said...

Kill Bill Volume 1 rocked. I was so apprehensive about seeing it at first. Nightmares of heart needles and bound and gagged men colored my thinking. So when I sat down and watched it, I was flinching for the first 15 minutes or so. But I either got used to the violence or I fully realized the cartoony qualities.
The movie just exudes coolness as only Terantino can do. I can't think of any other movies that have such style to them. Plus, if you take a moment to stop watching and listening to the acting, you'll see the what good camerawork and good angles and the proper use of cuts can do for a movie.
I disagree about Lucy, she had a presence. Maybe it pales a bit compared to what Uma brought the the production. But one thing she was good at was just radiating the feeling of "cool" that the whole movie did so well.

June 13, 2004 at 9:14 PM  
Blogger Dean Goodmanson said...

I actually consider "average" a compliment, as I've never found glamourous or trophy-wife features attractive, and her face doesn't fit the "pretty girl" mold nor is consistentley proportioned. I'm still pondering her feet and will leave the below the neck discussions for another time. ;-)

/why do my toes twitch when I think of Uma?

June 13, 2004 at 9:44 PM  
Blogger Dean Goodmanson said...


Cool presence was definitely there. Standing on the balcony.
The board room bad-ass scene was a sore-thumb annoyance (doubly confirmed when I found it on the soundtrack.)

June 13, 2004 at 9:52 PM  

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